Based out of District Heights, Maryland $hyGuy is a phenomenally gifted hip hop emcee and songwriter who really doesn’t like to ponder whether or not his craft will be accepted in today’s market. As soon as the pen touches the pad and he breathes over the mic, he springs to his feet, pulling strength and inspiration from whatever surfaces to produce certified hits. Over the years, he has proven to be much more than just another talented rapper; his extraordinary achievements so far can be attributed to his musicianship and intelligence way beyond his years. He is an artist who thrives on pushing his artistry to new heights!

The track “Neva had a option” is definitely guaranteed to reach the core of any hip-hop fan’s passion. From the upbeat beat to that addicting delivery, this banger is guaranteed to leave you in awe and in need of some more.

Talking about that beat, it really hits powerfully, and on the mic, $hyGuy really snaps, talking to the mic like it’s his personal journal. That blend between his melodious voice and the staggering beat is heavenly and hypnotic, to say the least.

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A Grammy-worthy masterpiece, “Neva had a option” borrows from $hyGuy’s own upbringing, where he was more often than not denied the right to make his own choices, even if they felt like the better thing to do then.

And this is a theme many of us can relate to because we grew up in that traditional family setting where options were made for you until you decided to move out of your parent’s home. And this can be detrimental simply because others’ dreams and hopes for you aren’t always exactly what’s best for you, and when you take the decision out of someone’s hands, then it is as good as condemning them to cataclysmic failure!

With a deep beat and exciting flow flanked by irresistible hooks, “Neva had a option” fits the bill of a “favorite anthem.” To enjoy this banger, follow the attached link and show your support for $hyGuy!

To stay up-to-date with $hyGuy’s music journey, follow him on Instagram.