Putting words to the sword and delivering some sharp-edge poetic lyrics is the genuine brilliance poet Shedrick S.H.E.D. Barnett hails from Athens, GA. His voracious passion and unbridled love for poetry began while he was still in 7th grade and he has been writing poetry ever since. He just recently started recording and releasing his artistic pieces professionally. His remarkable catalog boasts of four albums namely; “For the Lover in You”, “Go ‘head Shed”, “Now that I’ve got Your Attention” and “Blessed to be a Lady”. He has also authored two great books; “Finally out of the Bedroom” and “Poetic Storytelling”

The empowering, deep conviction, hopeful and salvation message form the basis of his poetry as he seeks to create a positive impact on the lives of anyone listening to his art. He is set to continue on that journey even with his upcoming album release that is titled, “A Poet Was Here” where he will treat his fans and listeners to ageless flavored tunes and enthralling poetry to last them a lifetime!

His latest release, “What You Saying Now” is the type of track I’m certain many listeners can gravitate toward- this is for those who were told they wouldn’t achieve anything in life and went ahead and achieved even more than that. Those who were despised and their dreams poured cold water on, the ones who were predisposed to envious and hateful prejudice because of who they are, or where they came from. They rose from within the ruins of those doubts, hate, betrayal and envy and are now opening the doors to the venues they were told they wouldn’t enter!

Established Hip Hop Artist ReachingNOVA Creates a Free-flowing Lyrical Course with His Single "C'est La Vie"

There is stylistic taste in this seasoned tune starting with the addicting introductory percussions that feel organic and are soothingly draped in some piano swings with the rich poetry-defined voice of Barnett introducing himself with the catchy phrases, “What you saying now”. The opulence in the instrumental wave takes an endearing route with the way the beats bounce in rap spark, fashioning a melodic beauty that is soon graced by the vocal presence of Barnett as he delivers an honest poetic lyrical stunner that exudes the emotions perfectly.

Those who judge and condemn others harshly are reminded in monumental poetic lyricism, “No weapon formed against me shall prosper and every tongue that rise against me and judge me, He shall condemn. This is my heritage, being a servant of the Lord and my righteousness is for him- remember that…”

This is a true relevance of the scale and magnitude of artistry that Barnett is currently at and he is on the verge of achieving superstardom with his universally appealing spoken word mastery!

Follow the attached link and let this tune speak directly to your pure heart and soul as you endear to do good always and never judge!

Catch Up With Shedrick Barnett on:

Established Hip Hop Artist ReachingNOVA Creates a Free-flowing Lyrical Course with His Single "C'est La Vie" Established Hip Hop Artist ReachingNOVA Creates a Free-flowing Lyrical Course with His Single "C'est La Vie"