Having been through a rollercoaster ride that saw her fascination turn from music to history and philosophy back to music again, the future for M-Ritz in music was always written brightly in the stars. This angel- both in appearance and vocality hails from Seattle in Washington State but has also lived a considerable amount of her life in New York City where she met with the genuine and virtuosic music producer Cortex. Her style of music melds the grandiose of the classic jazz influence with the grandeur in modern pioneering pop for that universal sound that ingratiates itself on any listener who appreciates authenticity as well as improvisation.
She has a new enchanting EP titled, “By Now”- a 7-track stunner that is set to dominate the pop music landscape at all occasions these summer months and beyond. Every track has its own unique way in which it grows on its listener and it’s something I realized after listening throughout the whole of the EP and coming back to the same tracks- they somehow feel more moving, touching, and compelling the more you listen to them.
An EP inspired by the beautiful work of James Bond, the famous “007”, this is exactly where you need to be! Strap in your safety belt and enjoy this breathtaking melodic experience. There is so much character and enthusiasm in the track, “The Divide Between” which is electronically infused with dazzling instrumentation so powerful that it compels one to get up and dance like no one’s watching.
Her angelic vocals magically slink through the glaring instrumentation with matchless clarity and distinction as she makes magic happen with the easily quotable chorus section and ear worming verses. The deep house ethos integrated adds that great sonic variety with the extra percussions added by the violin- which is played with near-perfect virtuosity and showmanship ingratiating itself on a listener stunningly. This will undeniably be a favorite for the dance enthusiasts as they play it on repeat and suck the living heaven out of the instruments and heartfelt vocal performance.
There is splendor and elegance even in the other tracks like, “Diamonds Are Forever”, “By Now (When Will This End)”, “Thrive” and “Skin”. You will be taken on a fulfilling journey through love, hurt, heartbreak, hope, and compelling summer vibes all at the same time.
To sink your teeth in this splendid euphonious pop journey; follow the attached link, stream the whole of this EP, find out your favorite tracks and add them to your summer playlist!
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