Made up of the indestructible duo of Laq (Lock) Jones and Jonny (Jport100), GetYourBread is more than just a regular rap duo; they are artists on a mission to take over and have been pathing their way to international acclaim, making the kind of music they feel is lacking more in the mainstream industry. What started as just a conceived idea has blossomed into something gargantuan that is compelling the music industry to pay more attention to this boundary-pushing duo making the best of their talents and entrepreneurship prowess, seeing that they also have a clothing company, making some of the best merchandise that aligns with their artistic vision.

The beauty of the kind of music GetYourBread creates lies in the fact that they trust each other and are never restrained by stylistic conventions. They do not put a cap on the creativity they can unleash on any given day.

As they prep for the release of their highly anticipated album, GetYourBread is set to release the lead single “Feeling Like Future,” an anthemic, high-energy, and memorable body of work that captures the essence of trap music.

At its core “Feeling Like Future” embodies trap music’s evolution—moody, cinematic, emotionally charged,and laced with an unshakable swagger. GetYourBread showcases itself as a master of atmosphere, using deep, auto-tuned vocals as instruments and bending the track’s melodies to create this hypnotic, almost surreal feel.

A feel-good banger, this jam is a balance between the gritty realities of the streets and the excess of success, with some explicit lyrics that add to the track’s haunting captivation.

Laq Jones confided in us that this upcoming album is a personal project for him, inspired by the untimely passing of his mother in 2022. He promises both a personal and universally relatable project that will not be devoid of innovation and authenticity.

For now, let’s wait for the upcoming release of “Feeling Like Future” which paints a vivid picture of what to expect from this trailblazing duo looking to make their indelible mark on the global industry.