This is the musical expertise of Arizona’s real OG – Cedrick Bogan who makes music that reflects his life experiences and those surrounding him. Amazingly conceived in genuine and raw passion, the lyrics in his melody cover wide-ranging topics including the sensitive subjects that other artists are thinking about but are too afraid to talk about. His music provides a refreshing adventure into the world of hip-hop – the old, the new age, the underground, and the hardcore and has been one of hip-hop’s defining highlights over the last few years. The EP “Apex of Self” is a collaborative project with fellow artist and rapper Krizz Kaliko. This 4-piece transcending masterpiece epitomizes versatility and dynamisms as the tracks feature breathtakingly and movingly innovated beats, all of which are different and equally intriguing from one track to the other – each bringing its own satisfaction, emotions, themes, glamour, and cinematic cliff-hanging moments with the rap fluidity and delivery that will leave a listener scratching their heads in disbelief and awe at such lyrical ingenuity that is seamlessly fitting on the different rhythmic hip-hop interpolated instrumentations.
‘Thoughts of Success” is a culturally satisfying proper hip-hop track right from the start with the background welcoming shouts, snares, and claps and the compelling catchy lyricism by Cedrick that forms part of the chorus “I wake up in the morning in the twinkle of the light, thank the most high, the spirit and the sky…” Krizz Kaliko makes a grand entrance and together they offer a listener that gives and takes lyrical proficiency and before you know it the track is over!
‘Superior” is the ultimate high-ranking track with the hauntingly familiar piano swing before the booming bass kicks and Krizz commits lyrical murder with the way he takes command, delivering bars that have been embellished with an alluring rhyme scheme to keep a listener intrigued and paying attention at such naturally flawing performance. Cedrick highlights the track in his own ingenious way giving this track its affluent diversity and rhythmicity both vocally and melodically.
“No More To Give” is an emotional track that contains some deep message and potently moving message that will be felt by any type of listener enabling them to gravitate toward it. I was able to make out some subtle hints of country melodicism in the instrumentation which serves to drive the theme home and drive it does! Hands down to such sheer level of musicianship that the two acts displayed here.
“Born For This Rap” is something to remind a listener of who these artists are and they do make their mark amidst the heavy percussion, the delightful piano and the hefty rap delivery by Krizz in his Ferrari-like speed, and the tantalizing vocal ability of Cedrick to give this track its rhythmic edge and the climax car racing sound at the end which was a really nice touch on the song.
Jump on this wave by following the attached link and color your playlist with some speaker-grabbing mysticism blended to pure perfection and backed to satisfying effects with the rap and lyrical fluidity!
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