Up to this point, emerging pop artist Tommy Boi, based in Los Angeles, California, has led a career worthy of the big screen. From receiving unanimous acclaim in season 12 of American Idol down to releasing his own music that has earned him a shockwave of intrigue from all over, it is safe to say Boi is living the dream. His pop music is imbued with raw honesty about his own experiences or those of people close to him. By telling his own as well as others’ stories through lyrics and melodies, he allows listeners to find their own relatability within his music. When he steps into the recording booth, he treats the microphone as his personal diary.

Tommy Boi is currently attracting attention with the release of his new single, “What You Wanted.”

Before I get into it, I want to go on record and admit that I really dig that green in the cover art; it is stunning and eye-catching…just like the track itself. “What You Wanted” is an eclectic pop masterpiece with rock nuances that come out clearer in that immersive chorus.

Borrowing from his own somewhat tumultuous past relationship, this track is imbued with raw honesty, vulnerability, and authenticity that make for such a surreal listening experience that allows the listener to find their own relatability within the lyrics.

Tommy Boi possesses the kind of heavenly voice that you could listen to all night without ever getting enough of. It is simply sweet and smoothly glides over the intriguing blend of melody and rhythm, tugging at a listener’s heartstrings in indescribably beautiful ways.

The fact that Tommy wrote this track in 2021 showcases his ability to create timeless music.

“What You Wanted” is sure to catch your attention, leading you to quickly grab your phone and use your music identification app, like Shazam, to identify this new track.

“What You Wanted” is a pop-rock triumph for this budding artist who has remained dedicated to pushing the boundaries of music and using sound to bring people together and make them feel less alone!

To add “What You Wanted” to your music library, follow the attached link, and don’t forget to share it with your friends.

Tommy Boi is gearing up for the release of his new EP, which is expected to debut officially in early summer, so keep an eye and an ear out for that.

To stay ahead of the curve, follow Tommy Boi on:

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