Heeding the whispers of the great musical genius who slumbered within him, Manchester bound up and coming to artist Roddy. B remembered who he truly was; reassessing that supreme self, abundant with creativity, potency, invincibility, and musicianship that has no boundaries. His artistry transcends the limits of lyrical and melodic boundaries in ways that no one genre can define. He is just as astonished on the hip-hop beats as he does on the dancehall or even in the pop world- a true domain master of the game!

Roddy B. is back with a positive vibe for the summer dubbed, “Be Okay”- this is a single off of his upcoming EP, “New Day” and it carries with it that deep and insightful message to keep those lost in a confusing web of hopelessness going and eager for better days ahead. This certified tune seeks to help us see the bigger picture- to reengage with that lost purity we once knew in our childhood before a broken society trained us to value objects and cash overjoys and delights. We need not to let our worries have full control over us; laugh more often, dance more regularly, and play more frequently!

The tune starts in a cinematic fashion with the thrill of the piano escorted to delightful effects with the compelling flavorful percussions and backed aesthetically with his warm, slightly auto-tuned vocals that exude the emotions of the song impeccably. The catchy chorus is reassuring in the most honest ways and does something to the vulnerable elements of the heart that words alone can never explain!

Despite adversities that sometimes permeate our existence and bombard our happiness, we can never lose hope in life. Every hero story needs to have a villain as well as some juicy tragedy along with the triumphs and ultimate victory for it to fit to be a tale worth watching!

The music video has so far accumulated over 2,100 views in such a short time. It is the perfect complement both in storyline and symbolism with the floating lyrics thrown in there for a heightened listening and watching experience!

Catch Up With Roddy. B on:

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