The beauty is in the balance—a huge testament to the power of music to transcend all manner of boundaries. This is PHI-108’s 8-track album “Solve For Why” in a nutshell. Separated by continents, Alfred in Ohio, USA, and Alan in New South Wales, Australia, this duo made technology their best friend, wholeheartedly delving into the magical beauty of creation, letting the music flow and thrive, and slowly but surely, new, distinctly unique, and certainly captivating singles were birthed and have been packaged as this wholesome project with a runtime of 35 minutes and 2 seconds. Drawing inspiration from the world around them and weaving it into these keenly perceptive songs, this album shows off PHI-108’s unique blend of indie charm and raw honesty, weaving personal stories with universal themes of life, mortality, addiction, and humanity’s tendency to repeat past mistakes, as Alfred profoundly puts it.
The introspective, yet wide-ranging sounds combining deep, universally accessible lyricism are more than guaranteed to appeal to a wide audience. “Solve For Why” is an album that seamlessly blends classical influences with modern twists, creating a fresh yet nostalgic listening experience that will leave you better than it found you…that is a guarantee you can take to the bank!
Talk about captivating, emotionally gratifying music with fine print—the gentle stroking of guitar strings evokes a mellow, sweet-sounding, and lovely tone that lays the foundation for the earworming, layered vocals in that opener dubbed “Behind the Curtain.” This song’s mellifluent instrumentation makes it ethereal and ambient in a way, wrapping around a listener like an atmospheric embrace.
Next in line is “The Supersoul,” a tour de force that is lively, upbeat, and exudes a ‘happier’ mood. Wrapped in an inescapable nostalgic warmth with contemporary twists as it progresses, PHI-108 unleashes a burst of positive, infectious energy that makes this an irresistible dance-along sonic centerpiece.
“Time Immemorial” consists of a grand and opulent orchestral quality that has been emphasized by the rich, layered sounds and string melodies, creating this dramatic thrill that is accentuated by the striking electric guitars, making for both a harmonic and sonorous listening experience that you cannot get enough of.
“An Ugly Place” is dark and immersive, a brilliant contrast to its predecessor, and goes on to showcase the versatility that drives PHI-108’s artistry, enabling them to just let the music roam, finding its own balance as it progresses.
The climaxing masterpiece, themed “Reruns of History” echoes the powerful words by philosopher George Santayana: “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” The core of this heartfelt performance points to the fact that human history is filled with cycles—of war, economic collapse, oppression, environmental destruction, and social unrest—and despite having records and examples of past mistakes, societies, and individuals often fail to heed these lessons, leading to repeated suffering and destruction.
This is a well-thought-out and incredibly achieved, thought-provoking, cathartic, and enchanting release that is as solemn as it is buoyant and introspective as it is exuberant. My biggest takeaway from this profound performance is that the weight of historical wrongs is just too heavy for us to keep carrying along.
“Solve For Why” is a project worthy of fanfare and one that stretches the boundaries of indie and alternative pop in the most gracious of ways. This is an extension of PHI-108’s hearts and souls as they ride along with you on this journey that can be, most times lonely, offering just the right company with music and melodies that feel like they have specifically been tailored for you…custom-made if you like!
The album is now available for streaming from your preferred digital platforms. Follow the link and savor in this magical awesomeness.